Tunnelblick Local Privilege Escalation

Abusing .ovpn files to gain privilege escalation

Posted by NSEcho on 2023-08-01 17:23:07

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Any time I have to connect to some VPN using .ovpn file, I am using Tunnelblick. Tunnelblick allows installation of .ovpn files using simple drag and drop method and it works great.

This vulnerability is affecting Tunnelblick versions 3.8.8b and 4.0.0beta01 through 4.0.0beta05.

However, I was wondering whether it is possible to execute some commands as root user because working with VPN requires root privileges.

After googling, I have found this link which says that we can indeed call our own scripts or binaries using something like:

script-security 2
up /path/to/script.sh

If we can import the malicious ovpn file, we could achieve privilege escalation as that script would be run as root user.


For the script to execute once the VPN connection is established we will use the following script saved at /tmp/script.sh.


whoami > /tmp/tblk_output

Lets give the script executable permissions, so that it can be run freely (chmod +x /tmp/script.sh).

We also need some ovpn file and once we do have one, just append the following at the end of the file.

script-security 2
up /tmp/script.sh

Now that we have malicious ovpn file crafted, where and how do we use it. If we try just to load it into the Tunnelblick we would be presented with the window warning us that the file contains the code which will be run as root user.

Tunneblick warning

This is too noisy, and we do not want this.

After poking around a bit with Tunnelblick I have noticed that it writes some logs to /tmp/tunnelblick-installer-log.txt.

Taking a look at it, we can see that it is working with ~/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations directory. After copying exploit.ovpn to this location, nothing happens. However, if restart the Tunnelblick, a new window is shown where Tunnelblick is asking whether we would like to convert configuration (from .ovpn to .tblk).

Tunnelblick converting window

If we take a look at that Configurations directory, we can see that new exploit.tblk directory is created. Inspecting that directory shows our script.sh inside of it, containing the original content of /tmp/script.sh.

script.sh inside exploit.tblk

If we now connect to this new VPN, our script will execute, and we can confirm that by checking output of /tmp/tblk_output.

Tunnelblick connecting to VPN

Output of the /tmp/tblk_output

And there you have it, we are root user. Although, the user will be presented with the window to authenticate in order to convert the file, they usually are unaware what they are doing and will blindly enter their password without realizing that they are giving root permissions to some third-party.